A Mental Health Break

The Power of Role Models After Losing Mom with Chantal Szinegh

October 19, 2023 Vincent A. Lanci/ Chantal Szinegh Season 15 Episode 3
A Mental Health Break
The Power of Role Models After Losing Mom with Chantal Szinegh
Show Notes

An inspiring and uplifting testimonial from our guest this week. "I lost my biological mother at a young age and was diagnosed with a mild case of cerebral palsy when I was born. 

Through those things, I have learned that it does get easier and to always take it one day at a time."

A few areas of discussion with Chantal Szinegh include:

  • How important being a role model for your family members is
  • Advice for young people losing a parent
  • How she improves her mental health
  • How a mild case of cerebral palsy does not hold her back 
  • How reading provides an escape

Welcome back to A Mental Health Break! You are able to subscribe to this show above to stay current with the latest shows. 

Meet our guest: 

"Hello! My name is Chantal Szinegh, I’m 21 years old and I just graduated from Daytona State College in May with my AS degree in broadcast television production. "

Music Credits: Adventure by MusicbyAden | https://soundcloud.com/musicbyaden
Happy | https://soundcloud.com/morning-kuli

Have a question for the host or guest? Looking to become a show partner? Email Danica at PodcastsByLanci@gmail.com.