A Mental Health Break

A Roadmap to Self Acceptance

January 21, 2023 Vincent A. Lanci/ Jane Tornatore Season 12 Episode 3
A Mental Health Break
A Roadmap to Self Acceptance
Show Notes

Are you walking around stressed-out and often beating yourself up? Are you unable to make the changes you know will be good for you? Do you feel stuck? Do you realize you have the power to change your thoughts?

This week, we check out "Writing with Authors" to discuss a book that can help many, Everything is PERFECT, Just not ME!: A Roadmap to Self-Acceptance, with author Jane Tornatore.
Link to video version of this show

Link to her solo episode

About the book: "Do you know you can make your mind become your ally instead of the enemy? The journey of self-acceptance can be an arduous one, full of potholes and stumbling blocks. This book provides simple tools to get you on the path of changing your thought patterns to align with who you actually are, versus what you learned to believe about yourself."

"I promise it’s easier than you think! So, pick up this book, get comfy, and give yourself a chance to receive the self-compassion that will make your life better. Dr. Jane sees clients in her private practice and online group coaching programs. Please visit www.doctortornatore.com or www.everydaylove.me for more information, or contact us any time at hello@everydaylove.me."

Meet Jane: I learned early on that if I didn’t accept myself for who I was, I would quickly get lost in being there for everyone else.

When I was in grad school, in one of the top marriage and family therapy programs in the country, I noticed that half of the professors were divorced, and most of my fellow students were clinically depressed and/or anxious.

I knew I needed to do something different…

Over the last 20 years, what I’ve learned in the trenches is that our ability to live authentically relates directly to how we feel about ourselves. When we love who we are, we have better boundaries and are more accepting of everyone, including ourselves. 

Some call me Dr. Jane, but really, I’m Jane, a licensed marriage and family therapist who has been called a “brain geek and self-love expert.

Take a Deep Breath on A Mental Health Break: the podcast that normalizes the conversation around mental health. You are not alone. Which journey will resonate with you most? Weekly interviews aired since January 2020. To join , email PodcastsByLanci@Gmail.com.
Mental Health Week Book
Mr. Lanci Talks Mental Health Book

Tune into That Entrepreneur Show here

Tune into Writing with Authors here

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Have a question for the host or guest? Looking to become a show partner? Email Danica at PodcastsByLanci@gmail.com.