A Mental Health Break

Power Your Mind with Programs to Feel Your Best

Vincent A. Lanci/ Angela Sullivan Season 12 Episode 7

Angela Sullivan is the Director of Special Projects for Recovery International. She helps develop programs that are extensions of the successful 85-year RI Method. She has been with non-profits for over 25 years and has facilitated educational programs for all ages – from Pre-K to retired adults. Angela develops curriculum, training materials, and does marketing for Recovery International. 

She also oversees training initiatives for Recovery International’s peer leaders and leads new strategies initiatives. Angela was attracted to the Recovery Method because of its simplicity in helping people deal with everyday annoyances. The program teaches valuable life skills in coping with life's daily annoyances. 

This Method was most helpful to Angela as a caregiver to her mother with Alzheimer’s Disease. With two teenagers of her own, she is passionate about early intervention and mental wellness. Most recently, she became a Youth Mental Health First Aider through the National Council for Behavioral Health.

Stay tuned for the halfway point and our spotlight story. We will discuss an article outlining danger and warning signs for Teens. Follow along here.

Here are a few additional areas of discussion:

  • Using cognitive tools to relieve symptoms
  • Trivial situations
  • Warning sings your child may be struggling
  • Distressing, not dangerous, symptoms 
  • Feeling fearful, tempers
  • Tools for Caregivers 

Guest Website: https://www.recoveryinternational.org/

Take a Deep Breath on A Mental Health Break - the podcast that normalizes the conversation around mental health. You are not alone. Which journey will resonate with you most? Catch up with weekly interviews aired since January 2020. To join the show, email PodcastsByLanci@Gmail.com.
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This show is brought to you by the Empathy Set and Coming Alive Podcast Production.