A Mental Health Break

#235: Removing Anxiety as a Yogi with Ashton August

Vincent A. Lanci/ Ashton August Season 17 Episode 3

Yoga can help heal your Generalized Anxiety Disorder and allow you to live your best life... just ask Ashton! She joins us from Tucson, Arizona to share her story, what led her to mental health, all things yoga, and everything in between. Enjoy the show!

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More on our guest: Ashton August founded the leading wellness website YouAligned.com and YA Classes, the mission-based, 5-star-rated yoga, meditation, and fitness app that has planted over 300,000 trees. Ashton has been teaching yoga and meditation for 12+ years, is a renowned yoga and meditation teacher trainer, and has produced over 1,000 online classes. 

She is also a wellness industry consultant for teachers and entrepreneurs. She is the author of two motivational books (Learn Grow Shift and A Year of Self Motivation for Women, with her third book on the way) and is a passionate animal advocate and volunteer for the ASPCA.

Do you have a question for the host or guest? Want to become a show partner? Email Danica at PodcastsByLanci@gmail.com.

Stay connected with us on social media! You can find us at @AMentalHealthBreak on all platforms. For more information about our show and our guests, visit www.vincentalanci.com. We look forward to engaging with you!

Episode Music Credits: Adventure by MusicbyAden | https://soundcloud.com/musicbyaden

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This show is brought to you by the Empathy Set and Coming Alive Podcast Production.