A Mental Health Break

Understanding Mental Health with Marla Godette

Vincent A. Lanci/ Marla Godette Season 14 Episode 6

What is Marla's mission?  To destroy the stigma associated with mental illness worldwide by passionately providing education, counseling, clinical mentorship, advocacy, corporate and community events, and care and concern to individuals (throughout the life span), families, corporations, and organizations.

Areas of discussion:

  • Mental Health v Mental Illness
  • Why home-based therapy is most impactful
  • Most impactful moments and lessons learned from working in nearly every mental health field there is
  • Growing her team with those passionate about mental wellness and have empathy
  • Why having a therapist and coach are different but both are needed for different stages of life
  • Listening  to your body

Link to her first episode here: Having a Mentor, Emotional Wellness, and Mental Health Awareness

Learn more about the show at www.VincentALanci.com.

Her Story:
Marla Godette is a mental health professional who has worked in the Human Services field in some capacity for nearly 30 years. Marla earned a Bachelor’s degree from The University of Michigan where she took on a tri-fold concentration and studied Anthropology, Sociology, and Psychology. She has a Master’s degree in Counseling from Central Michigan and is in the dissertation phase of completing her Doctorate degree in Global Leadership through Indiana Tech in Fort Wayne, IN.

Marla provides professional development and training to organizations and individuals. She is an adjunct professor, an international conference speaker and presenter, a certified Life Purpose coach, a certified Global Inclusivity Leader, a keynote speaker, and has become a sought-after implicit bias educator. 

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