A Mental Health Break

Given a 50% Chance to Live, Ian Panter Took Control

Vincent A. Lanci/ Ian Panter Season 14 Episode 10

 "I turned 37 in rehab after suffering a severe TBI. As a passenger in a car, I got hit on my side going 86 in the 35 speed zone. 

I was given a 50% chance to live by the doctors.

The next week, my mother was told I would need 24-hour care for the rest of my life, then another week later in a group home, and then a week later I could be taken to rehab. 

This whole time I was non-responsive and had six weeks of amnesia."

A few areas of discussion with Ian Panter include:
-The power of changing one word: change has to get in your choice of sentences 
-The last thing he remembered for 6 weeks
-The community of Tough Mudder
-Other people are affected by situations in your life
-Having to adjust
-Having a support system 

Learn more about the guest and show at www.VincentALanci.com.
Adventure by MusicbyAden | https://soundcloud.com/musicbyaden
Happy | https://soundcloud.com/morning-kuli

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This show is brought to you by the Empathy Set and Coming Alive Podcast Production.