A Mental Health Break

Great Day Live with Vincent A. Lanci

Vincent A. Lanci/ Java and Janelle Season 15 Episode 8

Host Vincent A. Lanci was a guest on Great Day Live! Check out the full episode by tuning in to this show.

Thank you to the network for the guest opportunity and credit rights to the episode to  CBS Great Day Live.

Have a question for the host or becoming a guest? Email Danica at PodcastsByLanci@gmail.com to get started!

Brought to you by Tampa Counseling and Wellness- Dedicated to helping individuals looking to positively transform their lives through compassionate counseling and wellness coaching. If you struggle with depression, anxiety, or other mental health issues, call now for a free consultation. 1 813 520 2807

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Have a question for the host or guest? Want their freebee? Are you looking to become a guest or show partner? Email Danica at PodcastsByLanci@gmail.com.

This show is brought to you by the Empathy Set and Coming Alive Podcast Production.