A Mental Health Break

When Life Does the Unexpected, Keep Going with Renzo Del Castillo

Vincent A. Lanci/ Renzo Del Castillo Season 15 Episode 10

2023 is nearing its end but our episodes are not. Take a deep breath, it's time for A Mental Health Break with Renzo Del Castillo. 

Areas discussed include:
-overcoming loss and change in relationships
-competing with yourself
-mental health benefits from traveling 
-creating a legacy for his family
-the mindset needed to transform from childhood obesity to excellent health
-being consistent in life

Renzo Del Castillo was born in Lima, Peru, in 1983, and was educated at the University of Florida, leaving with a B.A. in English, specializing in Victorian Literature, and an M.A. in Mass Communications, specializing in Intercultural Communications. 

Renzo currently resides in Miami, but he prioritizes traveling to experience and be exposed to the tenets of other cultures. He strongly believes that it is through art that we find the divinity of truth, the pathway of communication with others; and that through this connection we are made whole. 

About his book Still: Still is a collection of poems that focuses on the immigrant experience: a family's journey from Lima, Peru to Miami, Florida as political refugees and asylum seekers and the impact that had on the life of a boy as he grew into a man. 

Renzo Del Castillo’s poems often reveal larger moral concerns, touching in their language the world of politics and betrayal that cannot help but impose upon the world of private language. 

There is a lovely and intimate tone, used to remind the reader that imagination triumphs over, or sometimes through, adversity.

Have a question for a guest or host? Want to become a guest or show partner? Let's chat! Send an email to podcastsbylanci@gmail.com.

Music Credits: Adventure by MusicbyAden | https://soundcloud.com/musicbyaden

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This show is brought to you by the Empathy Set and Coming Alive Podcast Production.