A Mental Health Break

#265: James Steed on Healing Through Hypnosis, Walking Meditation, and Overcoming Life’s Deepest Challenges

Vincent A. Lanci/ James Steed Season 19 Episode 6

A preview of this week's show: 

-Coping with family suicide
-Smoking gone after 1 hypnosis session
-Walking meditation turned his thoughts into a soap opera

In this episode, we talk with James Steed, a professor and human potential consultant with over 30 years of experience helping people overcome obstacles and achieve their goals. With advanced expertise in neurolinguistic programming, hypnotherapy, and insight meditation, James now shares his transformative teachings online and through his books.

We'll dive into his latest guide, Mind Your Steps: A Thought Walk Meditation Practice, a 53-page introduction to walking meditation. Inspired by Buddha's wisdom that every movement begins with a thought, this book teaches you how to recognize and release disruptive thoughts, helping you combat anxiety and self-sabotage. Listen in to discover how a simple, mindful approach can restore peace, focus, and joy in your life.

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