A Mental Health Break

How Law School and High Pressure Careers Affect Mental Health - Season Finale

Vincent A. Lanci/ Alec Rubenstein Season 8 Episode 13

Alec Rubenstein joins the show to share his journey, both personally and professionally. He currently resides in New York and is crushing it as a lawyer. The pressures of law school taught this week's guest that paying attention to your mental health is important.

Rubenstein shares advice and his experiences from working in a high pressure job field. Certain career fields can take a heavy toll on ones mental health, but he is here to help you and share what worked well/ what he learned to improve on.

Other areas he will discuss is being at war with ourselves, setting unrealistic expectations, finding ways to take better care of ourselves, how to improve ourselves physically and emotionally, the stigma around speaking about mental health, and so much more.

"Sometimes, it is not as obvious from the outside looking I’m sure if I were to tell someone that I have (and still do) struggled with anxiety, depression, and debilitating self-image issues. I would bet that most would be surprised."

WELCOME BACK to A Mental Health Break. This is the podcast where we normalize the conversation on mental health. You are not alone. This week's spotlight story is on Tyler Perry.
After Host Vincent A. Lanci suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) he learned that he needed to prioritize my mental health. He wants to help you do the same.

Mental Health Week Book
Mr. Lanci Talks Mental Health Book
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Website: vincentalanci.com

Guest LinkedIn
Guest Email: a.rubenstein1@gmail.com

Tampa Counseling and Wellness- Dedicated to helping individuals looking to positively transform their lives through compassionate counseling and wellness coaching. If you struggle with depression, anxiety, or other mental health issues, call today for a free consultation. www.tampacounselingandwellness.com (1 813 520 2807)

Happy | https://soundcloud.com/morning-kulishow/happy-background-music-no-copyright-fun-royalty-free-music-free-download
Adventure by MusicbyAden | https://soundcloud.com/musicbyaden
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Spotlight Story Source:  | https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/modern-mentality/201904/remembering-avicii-mental-health-tribute

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